April Thoughts: Vitality and Healing. A blog post by Sarah.

vitality healing

An April blog from Sarah Adams Marr Dumas, a member of the Self Care Connections team and founder of Marrvelous Life.  The theme of the month:  Vitality and Healing. Thank you, Penny Makris, for your amazing intuitive calendar and this beautiful April 2024 graphic and theme.  

Meet Judi Olson, one of our beloved Qigong leaders, who loves to think of alarms as “opportunity reminders.” Why not set a few of these “opportunity” reminders for yourself throughout the day this week?  Use these moments to pause and notice the thoughts that keep circling in your mind. How do these thoughts make you feel? Are they lifting you up? If not, what happens if you swap these thoughts out for ones that do? Do you notice a shift in your energy? Do you feel a bit more cheerful?

Let’s try a little experiment. For the next week, set reminders to pause, tune into your thoughts, and if they’re not doing you any favors, change them.  We’re curious to see how you’d feel after seven days. This could be a fantastic way to actively participate in your own health journey and boost both your mental and physical wellbeing. Can’t wait to hear about your experiences!  If you’d like, share your experiences with me at sarah@marrvelouslife.com  (Note the two rrs . . . like my name!)

What book am I reading this week? Dr. Joe Dispenza’s, Evolve Your Brain. I am learning about the science behind the body mind connection for healing. It is fascinating.  If you choose to read it, let me know your thoughts.

To see more of Penny’s beautiful original artwork please visit this link

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