
Welcome!  We’re glad you have arrived to Self Care Connections. Here you can explore some “tools for the toolbox” of self care, either in person or virtually.  When we care for ourselves, we can become more peaceful inside.  We can then share that peace with our families, our communities, and our world.  As you look around Self Care Connections, you may find some ideas about how, even in the midst of our super busy lives, we can pause for a few moments to care for ourselves.  You may be amazed at how much of a difference even a 5-minute “splash” of Self Care can make.  So glad we can connect!


Laughter is the best medicine!  Let’s join together to laugh intentionally.  It’s easy, it’s fun, and it is such a great stress reduction tool.  

Connect with us to gently stretch, observe our breath, and  “just be” in the present moment as we care for ourselves.  This is yoga for every body. 

Qigong (pronounced chee gong) is an ancient Chinese practice.  We describe it as a moving, peaceful meditation.  Let’s connect and give it a try.  

Meet the Self Care Connections Team!

Hello.  As you check out the photo collage, you may wonder, “What’s with the hats?”    We all wear many “hats” as we move about our lives.  The Self Care Connections team members “wear the hats” of qigong practice group leaders and trainers, gentle yoga teachers, and laughter yoga/intentional laughter leaders . . . and learners and sharers!  Plus, we are family members, workers, community members, moms, grandmothers, aunts, volunteers, and SO much more!  Check out the About page to meet the team.  

We’d love to connect, and together we can explore and enjoy some moments of “Self Care.”  All ages, and multigenerational groups, are welcome to join us.

“Self-care means giving yourself permission to pause.” – Cecilia Tran