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Cancelled 2/6 Thursday Qigong via Zoom (w/Judi) 11 am CT, 30 – 35 minutes. Click Link on Free Explorations Page or In Description

2/6 Thursday Qigong Cancelled.  Check out Nancy Havera on YouTube, a great leader from central IL.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6T4jFQ3-zk


Welcome.  We will begin with a little bouncing and preparation, set our intention, and then continue with our qigong activities.  We’ll finish up with Harvesting and Soothing of the Qi.  You can sit, stand, or lie down, whatever your body feels best doing.  No experience necessary; beginners welcome.   No special exercise clothing or experience required, but consider having some water and a chair nearby.

Feel free to “Zoom In” five minutes early to say hello or stay five minutes at the end to connect with your “Qi Team.”  Click on the Zoom link on the Free Explorations page.  Connecting via phone is also an option.  And if you look at the clock, and you’re late, feel free to join when you can . . . and leave when you need to.

To access:

Meeting ID: 684 138 4441  Passcode: 0401100


Feb 06 2025


11:00 am - 11:30 am